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實現 B2B 食材電商價格隱蔽性與浮動機制 - 食秘為例

總結一下去年三月開始在加速器開發 B2B 食材電商網站食秘 (連結可能失效) 的一些心得。在 B2B 食材的世界中,價格扮演著關鍵的角色,而價格又更細分出兩個問題:第一,食材供應商對不同餐廳同一食材的定價是不一樣的。例如,因為某些餐廳距離較遠,採購量又不足,需要較多的成本,供應商自然給予該餐廳較高的價格。第二,某些食材價格會波動。例如,菜價經常受到天候影響價格,供應商需對旗下餐廳客戶修改報價。一般的 to C 的電商平台目前還沒有看到解決這兩個關鍵問題的做法,於是食秘團隊針對這兩點提出解決方案。


Build a file conversion service by Django, Celery, and Docker

I recently need to convert some files with pdf or pptx format into jpg format for our product. The concrete scenario is that when the service gets a file from a caller, the service is going to extract text information and convert files into images, then return them to the caller. Building this service have faced many problems, so I wanted to take some notes and explain clearly for it. Read more...

Learning new programing languages with real problems

I was learning Vue.js last weekend. The reason I learned is that I not only wanted to know a programming language but also wanted to solve my real problems from one of my friends. Some of my friends work at department stores, they’ve been facing the same problem of calculation. So I made a web page with an algorithm to fix this problem. They were so happy, their time can be saved by what I made. Read more...

Cohort analysis

When it comes to retention, cohort analysis is a common way to measure how users like your products. I helped our company to build it with our log system Elasticsearch. I decided using a faster way to build it, that means I might be abandoning some components. Cutting out the storage part is a sensible consideration. Just calculate retention rates, and show the results to my partners in a convenient way, sending the visualized data by Slack. Read more...

A marketing efficiency comparison among social platforms, emails on GitHub and influencers

My colleagues and I have made some marketing activities to promote our website. There were three main approaches we used. The first was to post a contrived content on social platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, attracting people click the links for leading to our website, the second was to send emails to people who starred a repository on GitHub, so they might like our website. Third, we reached a blogger (influencer) for a post. Read more...

Exploring potential users by an email marketing plan with GitHub

I have been working for a startup company in a few months. Our product is a web site where people can write and read posts with their mind flow by a mindmap-like interface. The most of my job is to visualize log, helping ourselves to understand how users use our web site. Meanwhile, I also do some temporary tasks like adding a few seed data, or writing scripts for sending email to people in the early period. Read more...
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